Civic Center Charrette Flyer

Message From: Howard W. Grant, PhD. | Vice President of Governmental & External Affairs

“Good Afternoon: After receiving some welcomed feedback, I wanted to circle back around with you to provide a little bit of context for the April 19th meeting.  Atlanta Housing’s acquisition of the Civic Center is a key part of Vision 2022, our 5-year strategic plan, in allowing our residents to live, work and thrive. Today, the site is located in an “area of opportunity” with access to jobs, education and amenities. In addition to creating mixed-used, mixed-income housing, the site will feature retail space, commercial space, arts and civic space. As a result, this project will represent the largest commitment to ensuring equitable housing in the City of Atlanta in more than a decade.  The April 19th meeting is geared towards informing and receiving feedback on the project.
I have also attached a revised flyer.  I was corrected that the proper name of the church where or meeting will be held is; St. Luke’s Episcopal Church not Cathedral. Please use the revised flyer.
As always, I am available if you need to reach out to me.”
Phone:  404.817.7220 | Mobile: 470.548.8877